July 23rd, 2021
- Awards
4 IMDA awards for MCC Verstraete

The winners of the 2021 In-Mold Decorating Association (IMDA) awards were announced during a video presentation on July 21. Entries from around the world showcasing the best in in-mold design and technical achievement competed in 13 categories. The judges evaluated the overall design, functionality and innovation, as well as manufacturing difficulty and complexity of the part, label, design or mold.
MCC Verstraete was awarded 4 times, in categories ‘Best IML package – large containers’, ‘Best in-mold label – aesthetics’, ‘Sustainable use of in-mold processes’ and the ‘Judges choice award’.
The IMDA is a reference within the industry. We’re very proud to take 4 awards home. We dedicate these to our amazing team and our customers - the converters who we closely work with, sharing knowledge and relying on each other’s experience in order to create packaging that performs on shelf. The award-winning projects are a reflection of our innovation-driven approach, showing IML label upgrades such as Metallic IML or Reverse IML – a great label solution for reusable packaging in pursuing sustainability goals.
Peter Grugeon, Managing Director at MCC Verstraete
Best IML Package - Large Container
Storm Shield exterior paints
GLC CEO Anwer El Hout explained, “To market our high-end Storm Shield range, we needed packaging that represents the quality and durability of the paint inside. IML was the obvious choice for creating an innovative and exclusive design, and metallic IML provides unique and eye-catching options.” IML also comes with multiple advantages to the brand owner: It’s flexible, allowing label redesigns to be done quickly; one-step production bypasses any need to manufacture pails and labels separately; and the results are difficult to copy – a factor that’s paramount in the paint world due to the proliferation of counterfeiting. The labels used Metallic IML foil and Matt + Spot HighGloss, allowing a unique color scope and a gradient that can be difficult to achieve.
Best In-Mold Label - aesthetics
The judges appreciated the shelf appeal of the metallic coloring and the clever label design in this package. The project was initiated to align the Rama Original tubs to the market benchmark – using Metallic IML to achieve the shiny, copper bronze brick and consolidating the branding in a way that is consistent for the consumer. Metallic labels can be difficult in IML applications where static electricity holds the label in place during molding. Because full metallic labels are conductive, they dissipate static charging and this creates instability during injection of the polypropylene, causing label misalignment and product defects. For this product, the design parameters were amended to ensure that the foiled area did not exceed a specified limit.
Sustainable Use of In-Mold Processes
Van Wijhe
Koninklijke Van Wijhe Verf, Dijkstra Plastics, Veolia Polymers and MCC Verstraete joined forces to introduce a paint pail made from 100% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) materials and finished with IML labels. Veolia Polymers processes plastics used and recycled by consumers into granules, which are then used in the production of PCR pails. During recycling, the different colors of plastic that are processed mean that it is not possible to produce a white pail using PCR. Wijzonal’s white wall paint typically came in a white pail – a tradition in the paint world – so IML decorative technology was used to mimic that look on a charcoal gray pail. Using an IML label on this PCR paint pail also increased its sustainable footprint by producing a monomaterial product which is 100% recyclable.
Distinguished Achievement - Multi-Functionality
The judges were impressed with the cleverness and multifunctionality of this container design and chose to recognize Frylite with the Judges’ Choice Award. Clients return used oil in the buckets, allowing Frylite to clean, refill and send out the same bucket up to five times. However, the company noticed buckets disappearing, an issue put down to the ease with which the previous labels peeled off. With Reverse IML labeling, the printing is placed between the IML packaging and a thin polypropylene film, securing the print, protecting it during transport and handling, and allowing it to withstand high-pressure cleaning, heat and chemicals. Now Frylite can wash and reuse the buckets without fading of the three-color image – and ensure the buckets filled with used oil are returned for recycling and reuse.