Introducing world’s largest IML bucket

Size doesn’t matter in the world of IML. From the smallest labels – used for medical applications, for example – to decorating buckets the size of a horse’s head, the versatility and offset printing quality of IML are a perfect fit for many packaging shapes, sizes and markets. This includes Emmer Ltd.’s 78L bucket – the largest IML pail in the world.
A world premiere
UK-based Emmer Ltd. has recently launched a 78L IML-decorated bucket. A world premiere in terms of volume, as confirmed by MCC’s IML sales teams in the US, Australia and the Middle East: the previous largest was a 60L pail.

Durability is key
The requirements for Emmer Ltd.’s 78L bucket labels were clear: durability, high-quality graphics and recyclability. Having worked in the IML space before, Jerry Mulders, founder of Emmer Ltd., knew that IML could deliver to these expectations.
“Our 78L buckets are primarily designed for the agricultural market. I know farmers who find these XXL pails convenient as they can leave the food bucket in the field until it’s empty for so much longer than smaller pails. Of course, this also entails that the buckets and labels need to be durable, as they are exposed to harsh outdoor conditions come rain or shine. That’s where IML scores so highly,” says Jerry.
“Indeed. To enhance the durability of the IML label, we apply a a combination of specific inks and protective lacquer to it. This ensures that the bucket keeps its high-quality look for a very long time,” Dean Poole, Regional Sales Manager IML at MCC, adds.

Reusable and recyclable
Once empty, the size of the buckets allows for surprising ways of reuse. Imagine your kids having fun playing water games with it. Or repurpose the pails as large garden planters, animal water drinkers or even convenient storage bins in your garden shed.
On top, thanks to IML, the buckets are easy to recycle end of life as no other materials (like glued paper labels, for example) contaminate the recycling process.
From concept over samples to the actual production of the bucket: teamwork was crucial in making it happen.
MCC were instrumental in helping Emmer overcome the challenges we faced with such a large label and particularly with the intricacies involved when moulding in HDPE. I can’t thank the MCC team enough for their continued unwavering support throughout this development."
Jerry Mulders, founder of Emmer Ltd.